Everything you need to know about working at Big Fat BaconSo you decided to work at Big Fat Bacon!
Before you enter the thrilling world of Big Fat Bacon employment, there are a few things you NEED to do! Here is your check list:
1. Fill out your W-4
The W-4 is a tax form that must be completed for you to get paid. CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT YOUR W-4 ONLINE
2. Fill out your I-9
The I-9 is a form to confirm your eligibility to work. The form will be completed at the Kickoff Meeting (or check back here for an online version coming soon).
3. Sign up for When I Work
When I Work is the app we use for all scheduling – it’s where your hours and shifts will be posted and it is how you will check-in/check-out when you are on the job. If you have worked for BFB before, you are already in the When I Work system and there is nothing new you need to do. Just watch for updates in the app about your schedule. If you are new to BFB, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APP & SIGN UP FOR WHEN I WORK
Here are some more details and info …
Parking is available one the street (free), or in various parking lots around the Fair ($$$). There are also Park-and-Rides all over town that go to the Fair and they are FREE. Be sure to check out the State Fair website and the Metro Transit website for more info. If you use the park-and-ride and are working the night shift, please remember to tell Mandy. Night shifts will be ending with plenty of time to get to the bus, but in case things are running late we want to be sure to get off work in time so you don’t miss your ride.
There is a Vendor Parking lot that you can try that has a shuttle and is open later (see map below)
The Big Fat Bacon booth is located at the corner of Dan Patch and Underwood next to World’s Greatest Fries. Click here for a map.
When the schedule is completed, it will be published on When I Work. This is not an optional schedule – you should plan on working the days you are scheduled. You were scheduled based on your availability that you gave to us, so there should not be any unexpected conflicts. If, for some reason, you need to change or switch with someone, you MUST first approve the switch with Mandy or Tina.
Please make sure you are planning to arrive at the booth ready to work at your scheduled start time. That means ready to walk into the booth and start, not changing your clothes, doing your hair, going to the bathroom, etc. Please plan your walking/drive time appropriately.
When it is time for your scheduled shift to start, you will check in using the When I Work app. At the end of your shift (or if you are on an unpaid break during your shift) you will check out the same way.
You will receive your 2024 Big Fat Bacon shirt at the kickoff meeting. If you didn’t get on and don’t have one from previous years, let us know your size and we will find one for you. You will be wearing this every day. If it is totally dirty and you didn’t have time to wash it, a PLAIN white or red t-shirt is acceptable. If you would like to purchase an additional shirt, you can get one (1) at cost subject to availability. If you have worked for us before, you can of course wear t-shirts from years past.
You also need:
- A hat or bandana to cover the top of your head
- Athletic shorts, yoga pants, leggings — NO DENIM and no short-shorts
- Close-toed shoes – preferably non-slip, definitely not your favorite shoes because they will get ruined
- Socks
- Anyone with long hair must have it pulled back and braided or otherwise tied back and out of the way
- No nail polish and no long nails (sorry, health department rules)
We know this can be a messy job! You will get dirty and sweaty and gross. But everyone should make every effort to start each shift with themselves and their uniform clean and ready to go. It is important to be respectful to both the public we are serving and to your co-workers by making sure we are all as clean, tidy, and presentable as possible.
Please bring your own water bottle. You can fill it up throughout the day – we will have water for you. Also please remember to eat something before you come or pack a lunch/dinner to eat during your break. You can buy food at the Fair, but it gets expensive so plan accordingly.
You will get one free piece of bacon per shift.
If you did not complete your paperwork using the links above or at the kickoff meeting, it is your responsibility to get it from (and return it to) Bill or Tina. You must fill out the paperwork in order to get paid. Caryl will not run payroll until everyone’s forms are in, complete and legible. So if you are tardy, you will hold up payroll for everyone. So please be prompt and get it done as soon as possible.
We follow all sanitation and food safety guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our staff and our customers. Gloves must be worn whenever you are touching food. If you are taking money, you must wash your hands before you move to another satiation.
If, at any time, you feel any illness symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, or cold/flu symptoms, you must inform Mandy or Tina immediately. If you feel sick before your shift, please contact Mandy or Tina before coming in to work.
We have assigned grillers for this event, but backup grillers are always good to have. If you are 18+ and would like to take a shot at the grill, let Mandy or Tina know. Similarly, if you are 16+ and would like to take turn at baking, let Mandy or Tina know. All other shift stations will be rotating around so everybody does everything and nobody gets stuck.
Don’t worry, there will be plenty of on-the-job training for everyone.